Shadows Cast

Shadows Cast

Shadows Cast Creation 2021


Duration 1h10 – all public from 10 years old

A family, a secret, destinies turned upside down.
A physical and choreographic piece, with a particularly cinematographic atmosphere,
that plunges us into the heart of the unspoken, its repercussions in our relationships and our psychic construction.
A discovery of our shadows and the buried courage in our hearts…



October 10 and 11, 2024 – Théâtre municipal de Grenoble (38)

October 15 to 17, 2024 – Bonlieu, Scène nationale Annecy (74)

November 5 to 23, 2024 – Théâtre Silvia Monfort, Paris (75)

December 5, 2024 – La Faïen­ce­rie, Scène conven­tion­née de Creil (60)

January 23 and 24, 2025 – La Passerelle, Scène nationale de Gap (05)

January 28 and 29, 2025 – Théâtre Durance, Scène nationale Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban (04)

February 06 and 07, 2025 – LE ZEF, Scène nationale de Marseille (13)

March 19 to 23, 2025 – Théâtre des Célestins Lyon (69)




Direction and choreography Raphaëlle Boitel

Artistic collaboration, lighting, scenography Tristan Baudoin

Original music Arthur Bison

Machinery, hangers, stage Nicolas Lourdelle

Sound space Nicolas Gardel

Interpreters Tia Balacey, Mohamed Rarhib, Nicolas Lourdelle, Alba Faivre,
Vassiliki Rossillion, Alain Anglaret

Sound control Nicolas Gardel

Stage management David Normand or Tristan Baudoin

Lighting control Sébastien Pirmet or Tristan Baudoin

Constructions, accessories Anthony Nicolas

Technical accomplice in creation Thomas Delot

Delegated management Julien Couzy

Administration Nicolas Rosset

Production manager Jérémy Grandi

Communication Léna Scamps




Production Cie L’Oublié(e) – Raphaëlle Boitel

Co-production  Agora PNC Boulazac Aquitaine –
Tandem scène nationale Arras Douai –
Théâtre de Bourg-en-Bresse – scène conventionnée –
Le Grand T – theater of Loire Atlantique –
Carré – Colonnes – scène nationale –
La Plateforme 2 Pôles Cirque en Normandie / La Brèche in Cherbourg
and the Cirque-Théâtre d’Elbeuf –
Château Rouge – scène conventionnée d’Annemasse –
Le Carré Magique, PNC in Brittany, Lannion




Home in residence Théâtre de Bourg-en-Bresse, scène conventionnée –
Tandem, national stage Arras-Douai –
La Brèche, Pôle National Cirque de Normandie / Cherbourg-en-Cotentin –
Carré-Colonnes national stage
Creative support National Opera of Bordeaux  –
National Center for Circus Arts – help for professional integration
Production assistance Sets manufactured by the workshops of the National Opera of Bordeaux

With the support of the SPEDIDAM




See all the dates for the season 24/25


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Crédits photos © Christophe Raynaud de Lage. All rights reserved

